素里Fusion Festival多元文化节已经发展成为BC省最大的多元文化活动庆典之一。两天的活动有40个国家队伍、近100位来自世界各地的艺术家和表演家到场,近百摊位和多个表演舞台。除了各地美食,不同文化特色的手工艺品琳瑯满目。每年吸引近10万人前来。 2019年7月21日,汉扬已经是连续第7年受邀参加演出,为中国文化融入加拿大,做一份贡献。
about Hanyang
Hanyang Arts and Culture Center (Hanyang) was founded in 2014 as a non-profit organization with near a hundred members including children and adults. Our programs provide a unique dance environment that stimulates one’s happiness, self-esteem and healthy living and give students opportunities for social, arts, and heritage enrichment in the community. Our dancers give back to the community with dance presentations in many public venues …
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Latest News / 汉扬新闻
Dance Power 2019 舞蹈大赛,汉扬4只舞蹈参赛,儿童双人舞蹈《童趣》,独舞《格格的梦想》和成人群舞《傣家女》获金奖,儿童群舞《梨园新韵》获高银奖;同时《童趣》和《梨园新韵》获Judge’s awards.